Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Final Semester : Day Two

“Anyone read the case? Do we have volunteers or do we want dental extractions?”

“So the Court consults the dictionary to determine the ordinary meaning of words. This is right next to Judge Friendly in terms of wattage, I must say...”

Professor Smith: And what does the court conclude?
Student: That ‘fish fry’ is a useful term for describing fish fries.
Professor Smith: The profundities continue.

I screeched out of a dream this morning with the alarm at 7am, only to roll over with a moan right into a nice big glob of my own drool, produced in involuntary droves by my mouthpiece. Somehow I managed to arrive at the gym and greet the person who scans us in, although I do not recall doing so, before pushing myself through an hour on the elliptical machine (the simulated runner, since my knee STILL is not cooperating and every time I catch a rerun of Scrubs I am sorely tempted to enlist Turk’s assistance in simply hacking off the blasted, stubborn, inoperable pain-in-the-tail appendage....)

Anyway, afterward I was going to stay and do some sit-ups before arriving at school around 10 because the class before my Trademarks course did not end until 10:15, but something told me I ought to leave immediately. I am big on signs and such, so I adhered the prophecy and left early. In the absence of a parking spot I had to emulate my father’s practice of occupying a no-parking zone, but I entered the building just in time to discover that the class prior to us actually ended at 9:45, so my arrival at 9:50 was absolutely unintended and positively fortuitous. Only one kid had arrived before me, and he occupied the seat directly in front of me, while I was able to procure my preferred spot on the back row on the right-hand side. Phew! And now we’ve officially signed the seating chart, so I’m all set.

Only one course today (and yesterday) because our Real Estate Finance professor is out of town this week and his courses won’t start until the 22nd (we have off for MLK day).

I am sooooo tired, I keep falling asleep. That almost never happens in Professor Smith’s courses (he’s teaching Trademarks) because I find him absolutely hilarious and he’s two steps ahead of everyone, so you have to pay attention to catch the humor he obscures in a seamless monotone. I fell asleep around 12:30 last night, woke up around 1:30, went back to bed at 3, and got up at 7, so I guess that’s five hours. I should be functioning. I am contending with a fervent desire to down my traditional three shots of espresso, but I don’t want to undertake any activity that could undermine my attempts to engage in some semblance of slumber this evening.
