Monday, January 14, 2008

The Final Semester : Day One

Day 1 uneventful. Of course I was the only 3L insane enough to show up at 7:30 for a 10:30 class but, hey, I got my seat. As he was running role, he muttered, “Are there any other courses being taught at the law school this spring?!” He passed through about twenty names before seamlessly answering himself, “I guess not...” Then he opened the class by saying something to the effect of, “Obviously, my reputation as one of the most cantankerous and ornery professors at the law school has not sufficiently spread throughout the relevant community, so I will do my best in the next hour or so to convince you all of that fact and if you would do your part to spread the word, I would appreciate it greatly.”

My typical second class of the day, Real Estate Finance, will not begin until next Tuesday because the professor is off partaking of some unspecified activity at an unnamed location. Hmm. The Firm, anyone?