Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Final Semester : Day Four

LORELAI: How dark is it?
LUKE: How dark is what?
LORELAI: The cumulus nimbus hovering over my head.
LUKE: Huh?
LORELAI: The black cloud. Was that a drop?
LUKE: What are you talking about?
LORELAI: I have some very bad news.
- Gilmore Girls

Here goes Day 4. I arrived for my 9 o’clock class at 7:45 because, as previously stated, I am a pathological idiot. BUT there was one bloke who arrived before me, so I’m not entirely insane. He had perched in the back row on the far left yesterday and occupied the same spot today, so he apparently has the same partiality I do toward the back corners. Hey, as long as he leaves my corner alone, we’re all good.

Today starts courses with the Professor From Hell, or so she is heralded. I wonder. I sure hope she’s not as horrendous and imposing as her reputation indicates, although all reports and evidence thus far has been to the contrary. It does not look promising.

The biggest challenge today will be staying awake. I mean this in all seriousness, because I just did the “sitting-up-but-falling-asleep thing” and jolted awake to find that I had typed “nerent natreo” in my notes. Any ideas? Anybody?

OKAY! I went through all the pain and hassle of arriving insanely early only for the professor to apologize that she forgot the seating chart today. Forgot? Forgot?! Are you kidding me?