Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Here We Go Again

Antony: I meant no harm!
Judge: Your meaning is immaterial.
- Sweeney Todd

I’m in Real Estate Finance now. I showed up at 12:45 for the 1:30 class and one person was in the massive classroom, sitting in the center of the front row (totally non-prime real estate as far as I’m concerned). I did get my seat. Hopefully he’ll pass around the seating chart today so I don’t have to repeat this process on Monday.

The drive this morning was awful. First the dog wanted nothing to do with going outside, eating or partaking of any activity that would even remotely resemble helpful behavior. I actually picked him up to drag him over for some chicken/food and he attempted to show his teeth at me! We had to have it out over that point.

First I hit traditional downtown traffic. Then I hit the Illinois border traffic, which did not deteriorate until I reached the freeway change. I thought I was home-free at that point (because really, who would be headed to southern Illinois on a Tuesday morning?) but we hit standstill traffic that eclipsed even that which which I contended in Chicago. Eventually, on the other side of the freeway, I saw two towing vehicles pass with FedEx trucks attached, A lot of people who were expecting packages by 10am are going to be verrrry disappointed!

So here we are again. Another week, if a truncated one. I can’t believe I’m going to be 25. I’m having a quarter-life crisis. But at least Sweeney Todd is playing at the local theater, so I will still be able to partake of my evening slumber.