Thursday, February 21, 2008

Here's Hoping

“When you grow up, your heart dies.”
- Allison, The Breakfast Club

For some reason I didn’t sleep last night. I finally fell asleep at midnight after lying in bed since nine-thirty absolutely exhausted. Then I woke up at 2, and then 4, and then 6... maybe too much caffeine yesterday? Actually, I think it was the lack of activity before I went to bed. I didn’t got to a movie and couldn’t go to the gatehouse because they were having a karaoke contest; at least tonight I’ll be able to go there. That seemed to successfully konk me out on Tuesday evening.

It’s kind of cool that I’m almost done but at the same time I’m not looking forward to moving. Tonight I have to pack a bit because Lost is on and I am incapable of sitting around watching television. I can’t find my Blockbuster card so I can’t go rent a movie...I wonder how difficult it is to apply for a card? They’re going out of business, so it can’t possibly be that complicated.... speaking of, there’s a great one coming out next Friday called The Other Boelyn Girl. It looks really good - I’m not into the romance crap but it is a historical fiction, which I like, and it stars Scarlett Johanssen, whom I adore. So maybe that’ll turn out to be the new Sweeney Todd, if it’s not oversexed. It’s coming out on the 29th, by the way, of February. Very cool.

I feel like such a moron sitting here all slouched over with my hair hanging in my face. You’d think the prospect of impending freedom would help pull me together, but it seems not to be having much of an effect. sheesh. I’m kind of worried about the upcoming weekend and how I will handle it, but I’m trying to map it out so it doesn’t mentally intimidate me. I’ll have class, Lori and then the Martina concert on Friday. Saturday I’ll go to the gym in the morning, the review course from 10-3, the gym again, and then to see Charlie Bartlett in the evening. Sunday might be the only problem... I’ll obviously have homework and stuff, and go to the gym as much as my knee will tolerate. There’s the Academy Awards in the evening to keep my mind occupied and during the day I’m going to go to the local version of Glaze to paint something. So that should take care of the weekend, right? I hope so. I pray so.