Wednesday, April 2, 2008

In the Cold, Cold Sun

“Try looking through a haze at an empty house in the cold, cold sun.”
- The Band, “Whispering Pines”

. . . 38 Days . . .

My patience, which was never particularly extensive to begin with, has officially expired. I was sitting in my Complex Litigation classroom this morning listening to the proliferation of 2Ls and smattering of 3Ls banter and almost everything I overheard was either annoying, imprudent or utterly unnecessary. Just when I think I despise men and wish to confine my friendships to this half of the species, one will walk in before class and make a whole to-do about another’s hairdo. So what if she got highlights? Who cares if they were performed using tinfoil or large something-or-others? (Can you tell I’m completely lost in this arena? I’m worse than a guy.) I guess what irks me most of all is the absolute pretentiousness that exudes from my classmates’ voices. It’s the primary reason I elect to remain silent in most of my courses. I couldn’t bear sounding like a self-righteous know-it-all; but then, I sound like one now, don’t I? I guess I’ll just shut up.

°o° I wish Dad, Ali and I were standing at EPCOT watching IllumiNations, or on Main Street watching Wishes.

David Beckham was on Jay Leno last night, and I wanted so much to despise the guy since the world so reveres him, but he seemed a very decent fellow. How disappointing.

°o° Or that Ali and I were sitting on the Monsters, Inc. Laugh Floor, giggling our heads off.

I sit in the back and I’m keeping an eye on the other 3Ls in the class, which is slightly elevating my spirits. One, who is also in my Witness course, is playing some sort of virtual basketball game. Another is surfing EBay for purses (how many does one need? Sorry; the guy in me again.) Several are on MySpace, doing something or other.

I guess what grates me the most is the commentary and endless dissection of current events and hypothetical situations. As a 1L it was intriguing and challenging and invigorating. As a 2L, it was old hat, necessary for the furtherance of class discussion and to procure a decent grade. Now it’s just tedious speculation that seems an immense waste of time. People’s houses are being bulldozed in China so the government can prepare for the Olympics, massive genocide is occurring in Darfur, and here were are nitpicking at some stupid hypothetical posed by our professor which (let’s face facts here) will never likely come to pass because the fictionalized facts are so extravagant and far-fetched as to defy practicality and possibility.

The Other Boleyn Girl was horrible, although the horses and costumes were gorgeous. 21 sucked, basically due to deficient dialogue and excessive sexuality (the type of movie was not relevant in my criticism, because I loved the Ocean’s movies). I rented Wristcutters to watch tonight - hopefully that will provide some distraction.

What a knob - I left my cell phone at home. Who does that in this day and age? (At least, I pray I left it at home!!) I always pat my jacket pocket on the way out to make sure I have it, but I had my iPod in my pocket this morning and made a rather egregious mistake in perception.

I love Monsters, Inc. What a great movie.