Thursday, May 1, 2008


“I could hear my soul dying.”
-Logan from Gilmore Girls, after a business meeting

I woke up almost perfectly at 3am (insert the mb20 song tinkling in the background here). Unwilling or unable to subject myself to the ritualistic torture that is lying in bed silent, staring at the ceiling, I wandered out to my balcony to stare at the other apartment buildings and wonder about their inhabitants. Surprisingly, I encountered several illuminated windows. I wonder how many of them are law students?

This is going to sound really strange, and I don’t know where it came from all of a sudden, but I feel really badly about the Jude guys. I wish I knew how they were doing, or where they were, or something. All three are planning to appeal, and at least two are acquiring new representation for the new trial... maybe I’ll go to them, when they come ‘round. Or maybe it’s best to make a clean break; I can’t decide. I didn’t go to the sentencing because I assumed I wouldn’t be able to deal with it psychologically, and considering the news press I read about the judge’s rulings and the events that ensued, I think I made an accurate presumption. I wonder how the one who got off is doing; I don’t know why you’d want your job back after that debacle, but I suppose it’s like that character at the beginning of Hannibal - you go around the world, see the sights and prospects, and return to the same crap you know. The entire proceedings reminded me of the three-ring circus in Chicago - a lot of pomp, circumstance and bollocks. I did not believe anyone’s assertions and did not consider the levy of punishments proportionate to the supposed crimes. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to forget them. I’m told this happens to every attorney, though. Supposedly it’s normal, and you never forget the defendants in your first major federal court case, even if you did not really know them and they scarcely knew you existed.