Monday, April 28, 2008

Idle Discourse

“Let us not waste time in idle discourse.”
- Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot

I am so tired my ability to form and emit coherency of any sort has expired. At this point in the semester I just have to start allowing my mouth and fingers to operate on cruise control and trust that they won’t betray me. I can’t remember what happened this morning before I arrived at class. I think I sat at home and studied, which obviously did a lot of good, seeing as I cannot even recall the happenings.

Oh, I hope I pass. I just need to pass everything so I can graduate and get out of here. Pleeeeeeease.

This is also about the time in the semester that, every time I see an animal, I think, “wouldn’t it be wonderful to be a horse. Beautiful and able to fly without wings with no exams, no worries, no bills, no troubles...