Friday, May 2, 2008

Exam Day #2

“Oh, sorry; I see we’ve entered the no-humor zone.”
- Lorelai, Gilmore Girls

So how’s this for statistics? I can’t believe it. Approximately 5% of all people who graduate from high school go on to achieve a master’s degree... and 2, count ‘em, 2% go on to get a doctorate. I can’t believe it. Two percent. I might amount to something yet!

...of course, that’s presuming I pass everything. Last night we had a monster storm so I should have slept very well, but we kept having these patches of hail that would slam against the window and jolt me to attention. Then I’d hear a police car siren, and be thankful that Jordan was tucked safely inside a garage instead of out there being subjected to the elements. So my anticipated slumber did not proceed quite as well as I had hoped. I am sooooo tired.

As a bit of a distraction I did an online quiz about the US and it turns out I’m not the absolute moron I had anticipated - I only got two wrong (of course, I suppose the inhabitants of said states would contest that my incorrect answers amounted to unforgivable ignorance, but whatever). Turns out the state bird of WI is, of course, the robin, and IL is the Cardinal (along with six other states; how original). Our state flower is the wood violet, IL’s is the violet; our animal the badger, IL’s the white-tailed deer (which I think would fit us much better, as I have yet to see one in this state, but that’s me). Our state tree is the sugar maple (how pretty!), IL’s the white oak (verrrry appropriate, as they surround the law school and deposit acorns mercilessly on my innocent vehicle in the fall). Our state insect is the honeybee (just ask my arm), IL’s the monarch butterfly (how cool! good choice; bravo). And in conclusion, may I pose the inquiry: why is Kentucky’s state animal the gray squirrel? What idiot decided that?!

In other local news... Derby Day on Saturday! Go Eight Bells! Let’s have a filly win! There’s only ever been three: Regret in 1915, Genuine Risk in 1980 and Winning Colors in 1988. But let’s not forget that Winning Colors was a big gray, too! Unfortunately, the three prior winners had all proven themselves against colts prior to the Derby, and Eight Bells hasn’t... plus, she is in post five, which is not ideal... oh, well. I have Winning Colors’ run on my youtube favorites - she shot straight to the lead under Gary Stevens, and held it wire to wire. She was the horse who began D. Wayne Lucas’ winning streak. Sigh.