Monday, November 26, 2007

Not Surprised...

“There's one raincloud in the entire sky and it's raining on me. Somehow I'm not surprised.” - Eeyore

The future is not looking bright. We had a guest speaker in Patent Law this morning - he’s an expert on damages in patent law litigation, and for a minute it looked like it was going to be a fun hour because he’s rather good-looking. Then he opened his mouth. He has the voice of Jay Leno’s intern on the Tonight Show. (Speaking of... what the hell? When is this writer’s strike going to end? I miss Headlines and Jaywalking.) He’s said “I feel...” about five times, and we’re only ten minutes into the speech. So every guest speaker we’ve ever had, in any of my classes, are either overweight, perceptively miserable, or the kind of person you would want a friend to lodge a bullet in your temple if you ever became. Behold my future. It is littered with educational pursuits that ought to validate my existence, but is actually endlessly terrifying. Yikes.